Constitution of the Cosmos: Principle 2

Constitution of the Cosmos: Principle 2

Constitution of the Cosmos: As I mentioned in the previous Newsletter, ( with great help from Spirit) I have developed 8 basic principles that I believe govern the subtler realms of the Universe. These can be especially helpful for Health and Healing. I've named the project... The Constitution of the Cosmos because I feel these are the laws that govern our Universe.

Principle 1: Everything is Energy

Principle 2: All Energy is One Energy

All energy is interconnected and related with each other. Since we are energy; this principle suggests that we are all one. There is only ONE energy that moves and flows throughout each and every one of us in our Universe. 

Bell's Theorem: By experimenting with particle interactions and magnetic fields, Bell demonstrated that particles can travel at superluminal speeds ( A fancy way of saying they travel faster than the speed of light). His experiment proved that each particle is in constant communion with one another... (Even ones across the Universe). We can deduce from his experiment that each particle and vibrational frequency must be interrelated to one another.

Practical Wisdom: 'Do onto others as you want others to do onto you'. What you do with your life matters intensely! It not only affects the ones you're surrounded by but the environment you live in; not to mention the entire Universe!

A Great Responsibility: We believed for so long that we were separate from each other, our environment, and our universe. But now, through science, we have learned that we have a great responsibility to uphold. We owe it to each other to take care of ourselves, our Planet, and our Universe. 

Start Now: You can begin now, it's never too late. The simplest choices can make the biggest impact on your Wellbeing, the Planet, and the Universe. Here are some simple ways to begin...

- Start to think positively
- Get Energy Work done from a local practitioner
- Recycle your trash
- Eat Organic
- Buy food at farmer's markets

Constitution of the Cosmos


Constitution of the Cosmos

Constitution of the Cosmos: 
Before I begin my new endeavor in School, I wanted to sum up all of my learning thus far, through all the Spiritual traditions and Teachers I've gained insight from. I've title this project... The Constitution of the Cosmos. This came to me when I realized that, though our American Constitution is powerful, it does not explain the actual laws that govern our Society/ Universe ( the ones that are behind the scenes). The Constitution is broken down into 8 basic principles for you to utilize for your own personal growth and healing. In this Newsletter, I will be diving deep into Principle 1.

Principle 1: Everything is Energy
Everything is energy. Everything has it's own unique energetic signature. From the chair you're sitting on, to the computer you're looking at, even subtler things in our Universe are made of Energy such as thoughts and emotions ( energy in motion).

Energy Explained
All of the Universe is constantly in motion or vibrating. This is due to the particle zoo that is constantly bouncing off one another and creating particle interactions. Each interaction create a certain and specific vibrational field or frequency. Energy can be subcategorized into vibrational frequencies. For example, the chair you're sitting on has it's own vibrational frequency and is different from the computer. And your dog has a different vibrational frequency than your cat. Each human has different vibrational frequencies than one another. No human is the same!

Good Vibrations
Generally speaking, for our purposes, higher vibrational frequencies are associated with feelings of Health, Vitality, and Abundance. While lower vibrational frequencies are associated with disease, illness, and scarcity. 

New Philosophy of Health
Disease, Illness, and States of Scarcity occur when we are vibrating at lower vibrational frequencies. Lower vibrational frequencies are created by low vibrational activities, thoughts, and intentions. Drinking heavily or gossiping are examples of ways we can lower our personal vibrational frequency. The same is true for activities, thoughts, and intentions that raise our vibrational frequency. Things like Yoga, Meditation, and Gratitude are examples of things that raise your vibration. Our goal is attune to your optimal personal frequency that enables you to exude Health and Vitality. 

- Everything is Energy
- Energy is subcategorized into vibrational frequencies
- High Vibrations ( Gratitude) are associated with positive states
- Lower Vibrations ( Fear) are associated with negative states
- Health can be determined by the state of your personal vibrational frequency


3 Ways to Practically Align Your Energy With Health and Vitality


3 Ways to Practically Align Your Energy With Health and Vitality

1) Stop Taking Pharmaceuticals 

I'm not a doctor (yet) so I can't legally or officially give you advice on taking or not taking your drugs ( Please don't sue me). With that out of the way, I can give you a brief and logical explanation as to why someone could stop taking pharmaceuticals. Pharmaceuticals mask and numb the pain one is already experiencing. While this may be helpful in immediately painful /emergency situations, it can be extremely harmful in the long run. Pain is a signal from your body that something is wrong and needs to be addressed immediately. Drugs will numb that signal and make it harder and harder to connect to the true source of the problem.

2) Start Banking at a Credit Union

This is simple. Corporate Banks are for profit organizations and Credit Unions are non-profit organizations. This means that Credit Unions are not affected by outside investors who may not have you, the customer, in mind. While there may be some advantages to using a larger Corporate Bank like accessibility and online technology, a Credit Union ensures that you're the number one priority. A Credit Union significantly lessons the degree of susceptibility to fraud and misuse of resources.

3) Eat Organic, Non-GMO Food

In my opinion, this is the easiest and fastest way to align your Energy with Health and Vitality. Organic can be such a confusing term but, in reality, it is the terminology that has been used by farmers for centuries. When pesticides were introduced into farming in the early 1920's, the term Organic was given to the natural method of farming, one that is in harmony with it's surroundings. Strange right? It appears to be a foreign term, when in reality it is quite common. If you're not sure where to buy, Organic, Non-Gmo food you can start by getting used to finding the labels on food packaging.

Locations: Whole Foods has taken tremendous strides in making Organic foods popular and accessible, but it's quality has diminished since partnering with Amazon. My suggestion is to shop at Farmer's Markets, Trader Joe's, or local Organic Grocery Stores. If you're a Marinite, Good Earth, is the ideal location for the tastiest, High Energy food that will serve your body. Do your best to avoid shopping at Safeway and stores that do not make Organic food a priority.

Side Note: I healed my food allergies and other painful symptoms by eating Organic, Non-GMO food.


A Peaceful Resolution

It is my hope and prayer that what is written here helps you navigate your current paradigm with ease and grace. A Peaceful Resolution is needed now more than ever. That resolution, however, starts with you and taking personal responsibility for your life.

As I have so comically failed to do so in many instances, I have found that I’m most empowered when I take responsibility for my thoughts and my actions. There is a balance between the 2 and both are required to create Peaceful Resolution.

One who only tries to shift their thoughts will feel tranquil but will have a hard time gaining traction for actual change. One who only takes action may feel misguided and unfulfilled after the fact.

So, what is the perfect balance?

I believe the first step is to find your True North or Guiding Light. To find your True North requires self-reflection, contemplation, and meditation. To start, try posing these 3 soul questions from Deepak Chopra…

  1. Who am I?

  2. What do I want?

  3. What is my purpose?

***I’ve attached a short guided meditation for you to try with these questions***

These questions are not intended to be answered in a rush nor were they meant to be asked only once. You may find that every day your answer may change. This is the importance of daily practice known as Sadhana in Sanskrit.

Once your True North is understood you now have the capability of creating Mindful Action which will lead to Peaceful Resolution.

Jennie, a single Mom, works hard to support her 2 sons in High School. Every week day she has to travel across town to pick them up from school and sits in tremendous amounts of traffic. Even worse, she cannot afford to pay for someone else to pick them up. She wonders when the cycle will end. When introduced to Meditation she initially scoughs at the idea and continues her own ways. After a particularly stressful day she attempts a guided meditation.

She ponders who she is and identifies as a single Mother of 2 born in Northern California with divorced parents. She finds no meaning in the question and continues her ways. Again, after a very stressful day she tries the meditation and she has a breakthrough. Her realization comes after asking who it is that is asking the question Who Am I? Is it the single mother or is it something bigger, vaster, and complete? She has had her first encounter with her soul and her True North.

After a few weeks of continuing the Meditation, she realizes she has the strength to not go over to her lover’s house to receive false love and attention and can pick her kids up without having to travel across town. She has created a Peaceful Resolution.

Chopra, Deepak. The Soul Questions. 7 January 2013.

STAR Command: What is it?

STAR Command: What is it?

I started to become familiar with the term STAR Command about 1 year ago. I didn’t know what it was or why it kept repeating over and over in my mind. I had a unique fascination/ obsession with it that has consumed much of my time and curiosity. I knew that it meant something special but I wondered how or what to apply it to.

That search is over. For many years I have been passionate about the changes and shifts that we as humans are experiencing currently. And while I’ve never had the courage to truly discuss it, there is something inherently wrong with how our current world operates. Right now it’s trendy to bash the external world for all the wrongdoings and ugliness and to blame everyone else for where we are. STAR Command was created, however, solely for the purpose of personal responsibility.

The ideas, beliefs, and thoughts presented here come from several teachings from all over the world mixed so elegantly ( sometimes muddily) with personal experience. My intention is to offer an alternate way of thinking that may or may not work for you. That is the beauty in it, there is no demand for you to believe in a single word said here. My suggestion is to take what fills you up and leave the rest behind.

From Politics, to Education, to Health and to Consumerism there are many things to discuss. By using STAR Command as a trustworthy alternate media source for peaceful resolution, I hope you shed light on some of your darkness while simultaneously brightening your light.

This is your clarion call, are you ready to answer?

Living in the Moment

Ok so here I’am in the moment… Now what? What’s next?… Continue living in the moment. That is literally all we have… Whoa, so G you’re telling me I don’t have my car? I don’t have my house? I don’t have my partner? What about my family? That’s right you don’t ‘have’ any of it. These things are only temporary. Of course all of those external things help but remember they’re reflections of your inner world. To make it simple let’s break it down to a more useful and practical exercise.

Our goal here is live in the moment. When we live in the moment we are authentically ourselves and we live in a vibration of love, joy, and wellbeing. This in turn affects others bringing more love, joy, and wellbeing to them and the planet. So, let’s look at some things that take me out of the moment and into lower emotional states

  1. Traffic

  2. Arguing

  3. Long work hours

  4. Bills

    Listed above are some of my triggers that set me off and put me into lower emotional states. I’d recommend taking one literal moment ( think about an instagram swipe) and identify 2-3 triggers for yourself. Boom! You got em? Ok, now take another instant and identify a solution to one of them. Boom! Choose that first thing to came in. Pretty easy right?

    Now it’s time to go out and practice, practice, practice.

    Here is an example:

Trigger: Traffic

Solution: Prepare favorite playlist

Bold Statement Alert: The planet is not the one that is in danger, it is our old view of it.

Ok so I SEE the benefits… How do I get in the moment?

Great question! There are billions of ways to get in the moment. Some are much more formal and intentional than others and other times you’re just there. Being in a state of grace like this gives us a chance to experience our true nature; pure unadulterated bliss. There are many writers writing about the moment and the beauty of it and so on and so forth. This is amazing isn’t it? It’s like there’s millions of buddhas on the planet right now at once. Who knows maybe you’re one them ;)

May Newsletter

May Newsletter

May flowers blooming nicely in the Bay Area are perhaps resembling a deeper opening in all of us. In this opening, I'd like to discuss the REAL identity crisis and let me tell you it's not one of gender or of ethnicity. The real crisis is actually one that of much greater inclusion. It is something we are all facing right now. Perhaps, it is not in your immediate awareness but soon the question will float through your mind.

Who am I?

This question is an important one. Why? Because it may be your ticket to an everlasting hell or never ending peace. Who are you? Ponder it or don't. A new beginning has erupted in my life. I feel ready. Ready for what you may ask? To take off my mask. For years, perhaps century, or even milennia I have identified as a human being having a spiritual experience. I'm here to announce the opposite is true for me. I'm a SPIRIT having a human experience. 

Advice from a SPIRIT

Relationship Corner:

Whether it be a relationship with a loved one or a relationship with your job; relationships can be a little tricky. First, let’s define a relationship. A relationship is how you relate or bond with a certain someone or something. Let’s go a little deeper. Metaphysically speaking, relationships are the literal mirror to your inner world. Where am I going with this? If you notice an issue in your relationships, chances are great it’s not them or it, it’s YOU. It can be difficult at first to take responsibility for YOU but it is also quite empowering.

Practical Application:

If you’re experiencing a lot of problems with someone or something, try spending 5-10 mins in self reflection/ meditation to identify a pattern. For example, if you’re getting upset because no one is supporting you at work, try turning it onto you. Like, how can I support myself at work? Or how can I support others? Chances are good that as soon as you put it back on yourself the problem is resolved.

Personal Health:

This month in Taurus will illuminate the importance of the physical body. I believe it is imperative as spirits having a human experience to take great care of your physical body. This could mean a number of things for you. Perhaps, you need more exercise or need to eat a little more clean. Whatever it is I’d recommend focusing on 1-2 specific things that pertain to your physical body’s health.

Quick Hit: Focus on 1-2 things to improve your physical body’s health this month.


Are you caught up on the ‘Career’ train? Does it give you anxiety? Me too, which is why I decided to make the term ‘ Career’ interchangeable with ‘ Life Purpose’. Ahh how does that sound? Are you fulfilling your life’s purpose? Are you following your inner most dreams? Don’t give me the ‘ I need money to go that route’ routine. It is now becoming scientifically proven that when you’re in alignment with your life’s purpose you’re health is at it’s peak. WHOA, well how do I find my Life’s purpose? Good question by you the reader. I’d start by beginning to ask that question to yourself. What is my Life’s purpose? It’s amazing how clear it may begin to become as soon as you begin questioning.

Global Health:

Let’s start with an astounding fact… “ At the beginning of the 19th century the average lifespan was around 39 years”. Can you guess what the average lifespan is now in 2019? It will BLOW YOUR MIND. The average lifespan is around 79 years old!!! That means that great grand children can expect to live almost a generation longer then their grandparents. So, the next time you get angry at the state of the world, understand that we are in one of the most unique times recorded in human history. MORE compassion my brothers and sisters :)

NEW Happenings

Summer Work Shop

I'm announcing my first ever workshop on Saturday June 22nd for the Summer Solstice. The workshop will be 3 hours from 1-4 PM and will feature Intuitive Asana Yoga, Intuitive Meditation, and Intuitive Eating. Look for more details next month.

Great Guys Club

This group will be a Men's group occurring regularly every week starting in the summer. The group will focus on empowering men to express themselves in a healthy way. Look for more details in the next newsletter.

S.T.A.R. Team

This group will meet weekly to consciously discuss the current events of Earth and create practical, deliverable action steps for each topic. STAR team will also begin in the summer.

***Message me if you or someone you know is interested in joining one or all of my new projects***


6:45- 7:30 Intuition Yoga @ Harmonia Wellness

Private Healings

I'm announcing my 3 week fast track series. 21 days of juicy good healing. The fast track includes...

- 3 One hour weekly private sessions
- Access to my Intuitive Eating Journal, ' Eating for Your Best Self'

What you will learn...

1) How to ground
2) How to listen to your intuition for food, life, relationship, and spiritual choices
3) How to practice Intuitive Asana Yoga
4) How to set boundaries

A Message from Spirit...


A Message from Spirit...

A message from Spirit…

What an exciting time to be alive?! That's easy to say when you're on the other side of things right? When you're in the thick of it, it can be difficult to see the light. - Newsflash- There's always going to be something though... Whether it be a change of job or relationship, things, on one level, will always appear to be imperfect. This is a very dangerous place to be. Let's discuss the importance of seeing everything as perfect the way it is now.

Einstein said, " The conflict can never be solved on the level that the conflict was created"

This is the same case here. Unless you can find happiness and perfection now, you will never be able to find happiness when things are different. There will always be one more thing out of place or out of balance. It is a never ending cycle of trying to create perfection instead of seeing the perfection that is already here.

Can you stop what you're doing now and attempt to see the perfection in your life or the perfection that you are? This may be the only principle you will ever need. Seriously... stop and smell the roses. Enjoy them now even if they don't smell like they used too. They're changing too.

What about bigger issues?

So you're having a hard time living on Earth? This just in... EVERYBODY is having a hard time living on Earth right now. We are going through such immense changes that irritation and frustration are almost guaranteed. This isn't an excuse to get frustrated or upset, it's a wake up call to give yourself and others love and respect. 

Old habits and patterns are being incinerated by the light that is erupting on Earth. This is happening on a personal, global, and Universal level. This means your friends on Venus are experiencing it too. WHOA! A collective Universe going through this immense change all together... NOT separate but together, as one.

Remember that, the next time you think you're alone. There is an entire Universe looking after you. Caring for you, loving you, and giving you (THE STAR OF THE SHOW) guidance and direction. 

Slow Down...

The signs are obvious. The directions are clear. You, my friend, have been waiting for this your entire life/ lives. You prepared for this you see. You're quite resourceful dear one. You have everything it takes to make it and it will take everything you've got. But if you can hang in there, I promise it is so worth it.

Jesus says, " Swear to stay alive"

Don't you remember? You were created for this time. You were meant for these changes. Yes you, dear one. I believe in you. I believe in me. I believe in this Universe. We can and we will do it.

Can you feel the light? It's here in every corner of your life, but you have to find it and you have to hold onto it for dear life. This will be a hell of a ride!


Coming Out of the Spiritual Closet


Coming Out of the Spiritual Closet

         No disrespect to those who actually come out of the closet but this is what I imagine it feels like to be trapped without people knowing who you are or what is really going on with you. Why post about something so personal G? Good question. I debated that myself for awhile. In an age where anything and everything gets put on the interweb I thought I would add some depth to it AND ya I wanted you guys to see the awesome picture of me and da boo boo. ( Special thank you to Courtney Bauraschi for the shots YOU ARE THE BOMB). Back to business.

My intention for this post was yes, to be seen and heard. It is my hope that my story can inspire you to keep going or help you somehow along your way. Maybe not, maybe you haven't even made it this far in the post, so be it! A few years ago I became very depressed. Like really depressed. I didn't feel like I had a mission or a purpose anymore. OR that I had somehow failed. It didn't take long to realize that all of the emotions I had neglected when my parents passed had finally come to be seen. This post isn't about them though. It's about coming out of the Spiritual closet. ( I'm coining that phrase) It's about finding the courage to communicate my vulnerability to hopefully inspire others to do the same. On a few occasions I even thought about taking my own life. It is such a taboo subject but I'm going to eliminate that right now. Seriously, it is taboo for no reason. My life's work has been finding the best solution to this problem and it's actually quite simple. Talk. Yep, just talk about it. My mind created this horrible nightmare to scare me away from talking about it but when I did I was relieved. Severely. This is all traditional therapy is in case you were wondering. Trust me I've been going for a few years. It is simply the ability to talk about what you're feeling without anybody judging you or telling you you're disabled. Though sometimes even they tell you something is wrong with you. I wouldn't listen to that. Your mind has the ability to accept it's own reality, even if it is illusion. I think the truth to some extent is that everyone faces these kind of thoughts and feelings.

I can't get out. I'm stuck. I will never be ok.

The reason they gain so much power is because I/we are too afraid to talk about it, which DOUBLES the anxiety.

I get that G but just HOW do I talk about it? Great question imaginary reader friend.

      1) Check in with your body. How do you feel?

      2) Use the term I feel to communicate how you're feeling. If you use the phrase...' You make me                  feel or you made me feel'. You're giving your power away and blaming somebody else for your             feelings. Don't do that.

      3) When you use the ' I feel' phrase watch how the power of the anxiety gets diminished. After all,              communicating your vulnerability leads to your invulnerability.

So, if you are feeling this way I encourage you NOW to speak up to a friend or loved one or a random person on the street. Or start by writing about it ( like me :) Because it is possible to get out and find the light again. 

That is what I found in all of this. My personal commitment to myself, my lovely girlfriend Allie,( whom I've talked to extensively about this THANK YOU) and to you the reader is the TRUTH. Are you ready for the TRUTH. The TRUTH is... well shit I don't know what the TRUTH is but I guarantee it couldn't hurt to talk about it. 

Love you,



The Darkness and the Light

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The Darkness and the Light

Last week I sat down for morning prayer. Friday is tied with the Planet Venus and I have noticed that it generates easier access to your heart and feelings of gratitude. It is a great day for a little Bhakti ( devotion in sanskrit). 

On this morning I felt it particularly relevant to side aside around 30 mins to consider my family, my friends, and my home in Mill Valley. I spent time praying, considering each individual, and feeling gratitude for them. It was around 15 minutes in that I realized I still had a pit in my stomach. I, being somewhat stubborn, ignored it and kept praying for the last 15 minutes. I tried to push through something that my body was signaling to me was not right. 

At the end of the meditation I was a distraught to still feel the pit in my stomach even though I had spent time attempting to feel grateful for everything. As I soon realized, the key word that I left out of my meditation was everything. Yes, we can be grateful for the light side of things ( our friends, our family, etc.) but it is the darkness that allows us to be grateful for these things. I.E. the challenges, the hardships, the mud if you will. All the gross stuff that no one wants to talk about. Though, in truth, I have seen through social media a huge influx in people allowing themselves to be vulnerable. I was struck with the insight that it is also the Darkness that we can be grateful for. Because in the end, it is the Darkness that gives our lives meaning and purpose. Challenge helps us appreciate accomplishment and Death helps us appreciate Life. It is all about the experience of being human. We are vulnerable beings. But this is what makes us so unique and beautiful; our appreciation of the Darkness and the Light.


In the middle of writing this piece my dog Max yelped at me and I turned around and snapped at him. 

“Not now” I said.

Then it hit me, literally in the middle of the writing. I realized I was doing it again, neglecting a sign! I got up, fed him, and took care of his needs. The Universe can work very, very quickly if you allow it ;).


What past challenges are you struggling with?

How can you practice seeing the ‘fruit’ of the situation? 

What does darkness and light mean to you?



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In Dedication to the Mama


In Dedication to the Mama

In Dedication to the Mama

 Memories come flooding in like the fireworks during the fourth of July. Exploding in my mind; when I think of you I can’t help but to weep in pleasure and in pain. That’s what you taught me isn’t it? It wasn’t going to be easy was it. You taught me bravery and courage. You taught me how to surrender. You taught me that there may be a God after all. With your passing I’ve had no choice but to find solace in Faith, however.

Faith. That’s an interesting word. Faith in what I ask? Faith in myself? Faith in something greater? Faith in God? Faith and hope go hand and hand. How about faith that things will work out for the best? What if this was the basis of God? Faith that when we fall, it’s possible to get back up and keep going.

Could it really be that simple? It could. It’s us that makes it so complicated and challenging. It’s painful to fall but it’s us that causes the prolonged suffering. The lingering on how we fell or why we fell. The fear that we will fall again consumes us. Isn’t it funny that this is what makes us human? Having fears, worries, and doubts. Prolonging the suffering with our need for understanding. It’s funny but a tad bit cruel. But let me rephrase; it’s our grand ability to NOT know that makes us human. The search for meaning is an important one but be forewarned, it can consume you. Many people sacrifice their lives looking for the answer when it may have been right in front of them or better yet inside them. The meaning of life is to live it, to experience it. To taste the bitterness and the sweetness knowing fully well that faith is behind it all. To feel all the ups and downs with Faith that everything will come together in the end. That’s the guiding light that illuminates the path and keeps reminding us that even though it can be so damn hard, we are still connected to something bigger, something larger, something that we can put our Faith in.

Love you Mama,



What does Faith mean to you?

What do you put your Faith in?


3 ways to deal with holiday & winter solstice stress

3 ways to deal with holiday & winter solstice stress

3 Ways to stay centered during the Holidays

It is common during this time of year for our immune systems to be bombarded by stress. Many of us overdo it and pay the price with nasty coughs or feelings of being rundown. This year, stay ahead of the curve. Here are 3 very simple, very practical ways to stay centered during the holidays.

#1) Conscious breath

Many ancient traditions teach about the health benefits of breathing it is no different here in our modern culture. Conscious breath (meaning to reflect inwards and observe your breath) may be one of the most beneficial things that we do for ourselves in times of stress. If you’re at the office, at a family party, or stuck in traffic. Try pausing for a moment and turning your attention to your body. The key word is to simply, ‘Notice’. Notice, watch, and observe the breath. Naturally, you will notice your mental and emotional state. Simply notice feelings and thoughts without judging them or seeking to escape from them. This will give you space and the expansion to breathe rhythmically and continuously. Remember there is no need to force anything, including the deepening of the breath it will happen on its own. This exercise can be performed, ‘in action’ when you have reached a state of intense stress but it is meant to be completed before the that state is reached, preferably in the morning or night when you have time to yourself.

1) Pause

2) Draw your attention to your breath

3) Allow feelings and thoughts to flow and unfold

4) Spend 3-5 minutes daily with this exercise

#2) The Heart Space

Many studies have been conducted over the past 40 years about the heart and it’s impact on our emotional states. These studies show what happens when you’re actually centered within your heart. Heartmath Institute out of Boulder Creek, CA has even designed a device that shows your coherence ration ( when your heart and your brain our working in optimal function this is known as coherence). The monitor measures your heart rate and your heart rate variability to determine the coherence between your brain and your heart. It has now been demonstrated and proven that the heart is actually the central intelligence of the body and the very first part of the body to be created in conception. From the heart sprouted everything, including the arms, legs, the brain, and the body as a whole. If you are looking for the perfect gift for your meditation/ yoga friend try the Inner Balance from HeartMath. The exercise can be done without any equipment and personally, I prefer it.

1) Pause

2) Bring your attention to your heart

3) Breathe 3 seconds in and 3 seconds out imagining the breath flowing in and out of the heart

4) Feel feelings of gratitude, compassion, and joy

#3) Ask for a Miracle

By far the most potent and useful of the exercises, ‘Asking for a Miracle’, from A Course in Miracles gets straight to the heart of the issue and relinquishes it. What this is suggesting, based on the writings in the book, is that when you ask for a miracle your mind is literally transitioning from fear-based thinking and placed into what is deemed correct thinking or thinking within love. This is called a full-blown perception switch, when you switch from thinking with fear to thinking with love. I ask for miracles daily. It is not uncommon to be given the answer almost immediately when you ask. It will take time, patience, and practice to fully gain the benefit of the, ‘Miracle Mind’ but it may be the best decision you will ever make.

1) Pause

2) In your mind, ask for a miracle to occur or ask to perceive the situation from a higher/ different perspective

3) Listen, the answer will come in the form of an image, memory, thought, or sign

4) Practice often to make yourself more open to the power of the Miracle

There you have it, these three methods could give you the opportunity to govern your holidays from a place of peace and wholeness, instead of stress and anxiety.



Make no mistake we are in the midst of a revolution. This revolution is quite unordinary, however. We will not be fighting this revolution with guns, knives, or fists nor will there be violence. This will be a revolution fought with love, compassion, creativity, and art. The re-love-ution as some are calling it, is a journey that begins with the turning of our attention inwards onto ourselves.

Revolt against blame.

Revolt against negativity.

Revolt against gossip.

We contain the capacity to expand our horizons and to enter a new age. One where Life is not a depressing drag of never ending work to barely scrape by. One where we realize we are all in this together ( including the select few at the ‘top’). One that is commanded by the heart.

Please place your awareness on your heart.

Breathe into it.

Begin to feel joy, compassion, and gratitude.

You just won your first battle. By creating positivity in your mind, body, and spirit you can reverse the effects of stress on your system. When you feel strong and resilient you are better equipped to handle Life and what it has to offer you.

Build resilience and sharpen your focus as often as possible. Nobody said this transition would be easy. Start a meditation practice, get into your local yoga class, or start an art piece.There are a multitude of ways to prepare yourself for this change.

It will feel terrifying, often.

When you make contact with your true self for even just a sweet second it will all be worth it. Soon, you will live from this place of abundance and integration. It is very possible to win this revolution. In fact it is guaranteed. This war will end with the disintegration of separation and the remembrance of Unity with God and your brothers and sisters. It is only a matter of time now. There is no rush but there is a need to stop the suffering. Remember it will begin within you and end without you. Literally translated, there will not be a ‘you’ anymore

Good luck,


What is healing?

What is healing?

What is healing? 

In order to talk about healing it is important to first understand your definition of healing. I would suggest even writing your own perception of the definition of healing to help facilitate the process. In this piece, I have done exactly that, I have compiled definitions and beliefs from all over the globe to help support the simplest variation of what I deem to be ‘true’ healing. There are so many variations and definitions that could be given to satisfy the answer, however, the most important point is that it (the answer) resonate with you.

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Take a peek at Figure 1-A. Notice how the largest bubble is the one that contains all the others. This is the bubble I labeled as ‘true’ healing or spiritual healing. Now, look at figure 1-B. The first part of ‘true’ healing is the liberating phase. To me, this means to remember our connection to God. It means to dissolve all suggestions of being separate from one another and realize that we are one being. It is the release of identification as a body and a mind and integrating of the ego (personality) with God. Many classic traditions would simply call this enlightenment. To my knowledge, most traditions end with the enlightened being but there is not much talk about ‘enlightened living’. This is the second part of ‘true’ healing called the grounding phase. Once we have realized our connection to oneness and to spirit we must seek to ground it back into our body, mind, and everyday life. In this phase we think, say, and do everything from a place of Unity. Life becomes a means to help in the creation of a healed or enlightened society- a society that knows its connection to oneness.

Contained within the largest bubble is the second bubble which we will call Soul healing. This part of healing has to do with being within your Divine Purpose. If you’re not within your purpose it will be challenging to live a life of fulfillment, unity, and grace. Most diseases, accidents, etc. merely occur to help guide you to the places and people you were supposed to meet in this lifetime.

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Which leads us to the third bubble, mental healing. This is where perception, belief, and free will can be found in our understanding. If our perceptions of an injury, job, person, etc. are dysfunctional than it will be very challenging to reach the higher realms of healing. A healed perception is one that is in tune with God. A Course in Miracles does a fantastic job explaining the healed perception and it is rather easy to use. Simply, ask for a miracle and practice listening to what the change in perception could be. Belief structure is an important aspect of healing. You can limit yourself to your beliefs or you can become limitless with them. This is all an aspect of free will or your own choosing. To reach a place of ‘true’ healing I believe a being must align their will with that of God’s. This means giving up everything that you thought you may have wanted in life and receiving the will of God. The good news is that God and Spirit want you to be happy and free. Therefore, aligning your free will with the creator’s is the highest possible choice one can make. This is what I call the Path of the Heart.

The 4th bubble is emotional healing and it is our connection to nature. In our society, our connection to nature has all been but severed completely. This is something we need to address within our body, mind, and spirit. We have lost touch with the natural cycles of life and death, the seasons, the cycle of the moon, etc. We are apart of it, and it is apart of us. Because we have lost touch we have created severely dysfunctional emotional bodies that create a plethora of stress and anxiety which literally becomes hell. To soothe this takes time, patience, and unconditional love for yourself. Spending time in nature helps to attune you back to the natural cycles of the universe. Practice placing your awareness in your body and allowing feelings, thoughts, and images to arise. They will give you messages to help in your process and increase your sensitivity in communicating with the Divine. The more you practice allowing things to unfold naturally the more connected you become to, yes, your inherently good, innocent, and loving nature.

The 5th bubble is physical healing. Currently, this is where mainstream health resides without any for mention of the above aspects of healing. Healthy diet and exercise is normally the determining factor for this aspect to be healthy. Within this perception of healing, diet and exercise must also be exercised as free will choice to follow the Divine Plan. Meaning even what you eat and how you exercise are in line with God. I have created a program called Eating from the Heart to help with these choices.

Until we expand our awareness of the outer levels of healing we will stay in the same cycle. It is inspiring to see that many health practitioners are speaking out. You can feel the change and the difference being made in our world. Mainstream science is getting closer and closer to revealing these mystical truths. The real healing begins and ends with you. You have the ability to affect change on a universal scale. Now is the time to exercise the full power of your choices. Will you become apart of the solution? The healing of our species and the planet rests on it.

What can I do to heal?

It may seem complicated and complex but we can start with a very easy, practical approach to get you in tune. I have created the path of the heart for myself but the true meaning of this path is to walk what feels best within your mind, body, and spirit. I understand that you will not walk the exact same path as I do but I can give you tips that will help on your personal journey. You will ultimately create your own path through the darkness. That, I hope is very clear. In this full spectrum practice of healing, all layers of our being are brought to wholeness through yoga, meditation, and proper eating habits. When you are attuned you can access the master that lives within whenever you feel necessary. For me, this has become the Heart.

The Heart is connected to the intelligent infinity that lives as the Universe. We can access it by simply placing our awareness on the middle of the chest and being with whatever arises. To access this space may take time and patience as most of our hearts, in this society, are corroded or shattered from trauma. You will need to caress your heart like a child. Take care of it by heeding its messages and listening to its pain. You will receive flashes of unity and peace. Eventually, you will live from this space. To start your practice of the path of the heart go to the methodology section on this website and try the exercise given.

To start your practice of the path of the heart try the exercise below. I found this exercise through Greg Bradden, a famous new age scientist.

  1. Place your awareness on your heart

  2. Assist your connection by placing one hand on your heart

  3. Breathe 5 seconds in and 5 seconds out to stimulate heart- brain connection

  4. Feel feelings of gratitude and appreciation

  5. Spend 3 minutes daily to cultivate heart-brain connection



Introduction to the Path of the Heart


Introduction to the Path of the Heart

The Path of the Heart 

To introduce you to my version of the Path of the Heart is simple. To understand and walk the Path is much more challenging. The work that we may do together will take longer than the more heavily chosen ‘easy fix’ option. My immediate question for you to answer is this, ‘Would you rather be cured for a month or would you rather be cured for an entire lifetime(s)?’

This path begins with your understanding that though we may walk together for a certain amount of time, ultimately, you will choose and walk your own way while following your own inner light. I simply aim to equip you with basic exercises, daily rituals, and practical knowledge so that you can achieve this with your own self-mastery.

What is the Path of the Heart?

In my perspective, the Path of the Heart is a way to reconnect to the source of all things, achieve enlightenment, and win true freedom from the illusion of this world.

Relaxing is great, reducing stress is even better. But what if your stress and fear were only symptoms of the real problem? I could meditate for thousands of hours and still not get anywhere significant . I need a reason, a why and a what. The vast majority of our society walks around not knowing who they are or what they’re doing here. Do you think that contributes to our happiness level? That at some unknown level we have no idea why the hell we are actually here? What if you could finally answer that question for yourself? Could you be liberated on a level that seems unfeasible right now? That is exactly what the Path of the Heart aims to do, help you answer this question so you can become driven towards your greatest joy while following one goal and one voice. Imagine a world that answers only to their own Hearts? Goodbye crime, see yea pollution, hello freedom. I envision not only a world of peace but one of innovation, where technology and Earth can co-exist together.

What is the greatest problem of our world today?

I hear great answers like lack of empathy, capitalism, genocide, etc. Here is another idea. The true problem and source of all disease of our world is a disconnection from the source. The source being what others may call God, the Universe, Jesus, etc. It doesn’t matter too much what you call it but where you envision it. If you believe what religion preaches, you will imagine perhaps an unforgiving God high above in the clouds. When, in truth, God, the Source, Jesus etc. lives within you. Actually, right in the middle of your being, the illuminated Heart. Hence, the Path of the Heart. By reconnecting to your Heart you connect to the creator of all things. Here’s the catch. You get a choice. You can choose the world that you want to create. A world full of Fear or a world full of Unity.  

So, my friends, it begins and ends with you. It’s not about government or society or ‘them’. It’s about you, your choice, and the realization of how powerful your choice is. It is my hope that you choose the Path of the Heart.

Thank you,

