Constitution of the Cosmos: 
Before I begin my new endeavor in School, I wanted to sum up all of my learning thus far, through all the Spiritual traditions and Teachers I've gained insight from. I've title this project... The Constitution of the Cosmos. This came to me when I realized that, though our American Constitution is powerful, it does not explain the actual laws that govern our Society/ Universe ( the ones that are behind the scenes). The Constitution is broken down into 8 basic principles for you to utilize for your own personal growth and healing. In this Newsletter, I will be diving deep into Principle 1.

Principle 1: Everything is Energy
Everything is energy. Everything has it's own unique energetic signature. From the chair you're sitting on, to the computer you're looking at, even subtler things in our Universe are made of Energy such as thoughts and emotions ( energy in motion).

Energy Explained
All of the Universe is constantly in motion or vibrating. This is due to the particle zoo that is constantly bouncing off one another and creating particle interactions. Each interaction create a certain and specific vibrational field or frequency. Energy can be subcategorized into vibrational frequencies. For example, the chair you're sitting on has it's own vibrational frequency and is different from the computer. And your dog has a different vibrational frequency than your cat. Each human has different vibrational frequencies than one another. No human is the same!

Good Vibrations
Generally speaking, for our purposes, higher vibrational frequencies are associated with feelings of Health, Vitality, and Abundance. While lower vibrational frequencies are associated with disease, illness, and scarcity. 

New Philosophy of Health
Disease, Illness, and States of Scarcity occur when we are vibrating at lower vibrational frequencies. Lower vibrational frequencies are created by low vibrational activities, thoughts, and intentions. Drinking heavily or gossiping are examples of ways we can lower our personal vibrational frequency. The same is true for activities, thoughts, and intentions that raise our vibrational frequency. Things like Yoga, Meditation, and Gratitude are examples of things that raise your vibration. Our goal is attune to your optimal personal frequency that enables you to exude Health and Vitality. 

- Everything is Energy
- Energy is subcategorized into vibrational frequencies
- High Vibrations ( Gratitude) are associated with positive states
- Lower Vibrations ( Fear) are associated with negative states
- Health can be determined by the state of your personal vibrational frequency
