“ Love is the only


~ M.P.E.


Gunnar has been a lifelong seeker…

Growing up in San Diego, CA he grew a tremendous appreciation for the Ocean and the calmness it instilled in him. Gunnar seeks to imbue that calm in every session he provides, hence the name, Fluid Wellbeing.

Gunnar felt a little out of place growing up. He played and hung with other kids but he always had a profound sense of something larger than himself. He felt innately that something tremendous was happening in the world but couldn't put a finger on it.

When Gunnar was 8 years old, his mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. Even as an 8-year-old, he intuitively knew there was a different way to heal other than what Western medicine could provide. Gunnar’s passion for health and healing was ignited. Initially, he sought to become a Physical Therapist. As a high-level athlete and soccer player, he experienced several physical injuries, aches, and ailments.

In fact, it was a Pulmonary Embolism that halted his career as a soccer player. Devastated, Gunnar walked into his first Yoga Class. Realizing that it was his mental/emotional state that was contributing to his physical health concerns, he decided to sell everything and venture into the wilderness.

Gunnar sought to unravel the grief and pain that lingered from the loss of his parents a few years prior. What he discovered was far beyond what he could ever imagine. In the wilderness, after just a few months of meditation and mindfulness, Gunnar had an experience that awakened him to the true nature of reality. He felt that he had been guided by a Higher Power and that he had met God.

This experience showed him that his physical and mental/emotional pain actually lay deeper seeded within his Spirit or rather a deviation from his Spirit. While in the wilderness, Gunnar also discovered that he was an extremely intuitive and empathetic being. He remembered that as a kid he could feel/speak/hear other energies. He found that this gift had been subsided by the conditioning of society and life. Though the sensitivity was a gift, he found that he had been unconsciously taking on ailments of other people, including his parents. Gunnar has utilized this knowledge to heal from physical ailments, mental/emotional trauma, and spiritual misdirection to find happiness and fulfillment in his everyday life.

Eventually, God led him to Chiropractic, where he learned to combine all of his knowledge and experience into a practical modality that others can benefit from. Gunnar felt as though he had found that ‘other way’ he had been looking for his whole life. Sessions are designed to heal the root cause of any ailment whether it be physical, mental/emotional, or spiritual in nature.

Gunnar focuses on helping Intuitive, Sensitive, HSP, Empathetic, or Starseed beings to empower them and help them heal.

Gunnar is recognized as a Doctor of Chiropractic Intern, 200 HR-ERYT, Yoga Instructor, and Intuitive Medicine Expert. He also holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Nutrition.