The Path of the Heart 

To introduce you to my version of the Path of the Heart is simple. To understand and walk the Path is much more challenging. The work that we may do together will take longer than the more heavily chosen ‘easy fix’ option. My immediate question for you to answer is this, ‘Would you rather be cured for a month or would you rather be cured for an entire lifetime(s)?’

This path begins with your understanding that though we may walk together for a certain amount of time, ultimately, you will choose and walk your own way while following your own inner light. I simply aim to equip you with basic exercises, daily rituals, and practical knowledge so that you can achieve this with your own self-mastery.

What is the Path of the Heart?

In my perspective, the Path of the Heart is a way to reconnect to the source of all things, achieve enlightenment, and win true freedom from the illusion of this world.

Relaxing is great, reducing stress is even better. But what if your stress and fear were only symptoms of the real problem? I could meditate for thousands of hours and still not get anywhere significant . I need a reason, a why and a what. The vast majority of our society walks around not knowing who they are or what they’re doing here. Do you think that contributes to our happiness level? That at some unknown level we have no idea why the hell we are actually here? What if you could finally answer that question for yourself? Could you be liberated on a level that seems unfeasible right now? That is exactly what the Path of the Heart aims to do, help you answer this question so you can become driven towards your greatest joy while following one goal and one voice. Imagine a world that answers only to their own Hearts? Goodbye crime, see yea pollution, hello freedom. I envision not only a world of peace but one of innovation, where technology and Earth can co-exist together.

What is the greatest problem of our world today?

I hear great answers like lack of empathy, capitalism, genocide, etc. Here is another idea. The true problem and source of all disease of our world is a disconnection from the source. The source being what others may call God, the Universe, Jesus, etc. It doesn’t matter too much what you call it but where you envision it. If you believe what religion preaches, you will imagine perhaps an unforgiving God high above in the clouds. When, in truth, God, the Source, Jesus etc. lives within you. Actually, right in the middle of your being, the illuminated Heart. Hence, the Path of the Heart. By reconnecting to your Heart you connect to the creator of all things. Here’s the catch. You get a choice. You can choose the world that you want to create. A world full of Fear or a world full of Unity.  

So, my friends, it begins and ends with you. It’s not about government or society or ‘them’. It’s about you, your choice, and the realization of how powerful your choice is. It is my hope that you choose the Path of the Heart.

Thank you,

